20 tb drive


I originally posted this as an answer instead of a question.  Sorry.

I know from experience that Windows Server Essentials 2016 can only format network storage spaces up to 16 tb.  I have a 20 tb drive.  I could partition it down to 16 tb and that would work (already tested).  My question is, if I use the Windows Server 2019 utilities to format the entire 20 tb drive (already done), does anyone know if the WSE backup program can handle the whole 20 tb drive.  (If no one knows, I guess I will try it and report back after I order WSE from this site and install it over Windows Server 2019.)  Thanks.

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I don’t have any experience using a drive of that size with WSEE and so I don’t have a good answer for you on that one I’m afraid. As for the backup… WSEE’s backup feature is based upon Windows Backup and so you should be able to search out the maximum drive size supported by it in order to obtain an answer. Otherwise, we would indeed appreciate hearing about your experience when you test that large drive out in WSEE running on Windows Server 2019.

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I haven’t tried it yet but it looks like I found the answer on line:


Drives larger than 16 tb will yield an error.  I might test it anyway since I already have a 20 tb drive ready to go.

  • Mike
    Sounds legitimate to me (i.e. 16TB NTFS limitation). Thanks for sharing your findings.
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