WSE Service on Server 2019 to resolve problem of .uk TLD


Hi All,

I have a 2016 WSE licensed server and a .uk TLD domain and the 2 are incompatible as you cannot complete the anywhere access wizard with a .uk TLD.  It errors out with domain name not valid and the Dashboard log shows:

DomainManager: ValidateDomainNameAgainstTLDs: Invalid domain name request:

If anyone knows a valid way around this I will be eternally grateful.

Alternatively, my question is:  If I build a 2019 server and setup IIS 10 with a valid SSL Cert, can I install the Windows Essentials Experience on top of that and finally access the /remote web page securely within my custom .uk domain?

I hope that makes sense

Fingers crossed for a positive response I dont really want to buy the associated domain as well seeing as my family have been using the .uk emails for years now.

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I’ve never personally used any TLD other than “.com” and so I can’t really say for sure, but I expect that the “.uk” TLD that you’re wanting to use isn’t supported by Windows Server Essentials.

Doing a quick Internet search brings me to this Microsoft document, which seems to suggest that only .com, .net, .org, and .edu are supported “generic” TLDs in Windows Server Essentials. I doubt that there’s any way around that, but I’d need to delve into the source code to know for sure though.

EDIT: Although this section of the same Microsoft document seems to suggest that the “” country-code TLD is supported (but not just “.uk”).

  • clay258
    Thank you for the quick response. I have ascertained that it is the case that you cannot use a .uk TLD. You can use, and a few others just not .uk which is highly annoying. I’ll rephrase: If I go down the route of installing the Experience on 2019, do I still have to use the Anywhere Access wizard to get RWA and VPN working? Is that still part of the process when you add that role or will it use the existing registered certificates?
  • Mike
    Yes, that is unfortunate. With Microsoft not caring about/supporting Windows Server Essentials any longer, I doubt that specific TLD behavior will ever change. As for installing WSEE onto Windows Server 2019/2022/2025, the RWA and VPN behavior would indeed be identical to what you’re currently seeing in 2016 since the Essentials “bits” are being brought over from 2016 completely unchanged/unmodified. So the answer to your specific question would be yes you would. Although, if you’re adept enough at using Windows Server (IIS, etc.) you could probably manually configure your .uk domain name from outside of the Windows Server Essentials UI. That’s a rabbit hole that I’ve never gone down before though and so you’d be on your own there (and it’d probably be quite a web to untangle).
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I’ve managed to figure out how to use a “.uk” TLD when setting up a new custom/vanity domain name in Anywhere Access (and it sure wasn’t easy). I’ll be releasing updated versions of each of my software products later this week that implement the fix (i.e. that will allow folks to manually set up a new domain name in Anywhere Access when using a “.uk” top level domain). I’ll update this post just as soon as the updates are available for download.

EDIT: Okay, the updated versions of the WSEE Installer, WSE RemoteApp, and WSE WorkFolders with support for “.uk” and “.top” TLDs have been released.

NOTE: Essentials already includes support for a large number of TLDs, but if anyone happens to come across one that doesn’t work, then just let us know and we can add support for it (on-the-fly).

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