WSE 2016 RemoteApp


I am looking at purchasing the WSE remote app  solution for a client that might deploy Win 2016 essentials and needs to publish 1 App called Margill Loan Manager.
How can I test and ensure that this works with your solution? The software is a loan management solution and works with a database on a server.
Can your WSERemoteAPP work with any software installed on Windows server 2016 or are there restrictions? How is the performance? Does it work as though the app is running remotely on the server?
And if there are concurrent connections of 3 users, would this be supported?
Also, is the pricing in US $? I am in Canada. Any issues with different languages? Customer is French Canadian and so will likely have Windows in French and the App installed in French too.
Thanks for your time!
Marc Frenette

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Best Answer

WSE RemoteApp has a 21-day evaluation period available, and so you can go ahead and install the product onto your Essentials server in order to see for yourself just how well it works within your own environment (i.e. with your particular combination of software, hardware, networking, etc.) before actually committing to purchasing it.

There are no restrictions on what applications can be used with WSE RemoteApp. As long as the application can be successfully installed directly onto the Essentials server, and can be successfully run from a standard Remote Desktop Connection, then it should work just fine with WSE RemoteApp. Once the application is installed on your Essentials server, you simply publish it as a RemoteApp program via the “WSE REMOTEAPP” page that has been added to the Essentials server’s Dashboard. Your users can then connect to it locally or remotely in a variety of different ways. For more information see:

News – WHS / WSE RemoteApp

News – Connecting From Mac / iOS / Android / Windows PC/Mobile Computers and Devices

All prices for WSE RemoteApp are given in USD. Transactions are handled via PayPal, and they handle all of the currency conversions on their end. The Essentials server, the client computers/devices, and the published applications can all be running in any language that they support. However, WSE RemoteApp itself is available in English only.

Concurrent connections are available via the product’s multiple simultaneous connections feature. Note that some features (such as the RADC web feed and multiple simultaneous connections features) are not available during the evaluation period. If it is imperative that you test those features, then you will need to purchase a license in order to do so. However, we offer a 30-day no-questions-asked refund policy, so you can always request a full refund (within that timeframe) if you are not satisfied after your purchase.

I hope that answers all of your questions, and I thank you for your interest in my software.

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