Update Problem with 10.0.14393.7428 (Revision 1)


Hello Mike,

We are running a Windows Server 2022 with your WSEE Installer.
Yesterday we received the information that an update is available and installed it. Yesterday Evening we received the message again and installed it again.
Today we got the same information for the same Version again.

The WSEE Installer Licensing say “This instance of Windows Server Essentials Experience was installed by the WSEE Installer – Version 10.0.14393.7428 (Revision 1).

But the Update Information say:
Installed Version: 10.0.14393.7259 (Revision 1)
Available Version: 10.0.14393.7428 (Revision 1)

If I select “Do Not show this message again” will I be reminded if a new version comes out?


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Best Answer

Okay, I’ve fixed the issue now (just missed updating the new version number within the settings is all – mea culpa!). You can download and run the latest release of the WSEE Updater on your server to correct the issue. Thx again.

EDIT: When the WSEE Updater tells you that the latest update is already installed, simply check the checkbox stating that you would like to reinstall the update anyway.

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Thank you for the heads up on this one. I must of missed something within the version control settings for the new release. I’ll take a look at it and post back here just as soon as I have it fixed.

Also, selecting “Do not show this message again” will simply hide the Update Available prompt until the next (newer) update becomes available. So, you can go ahead and do that if you’re tired of seeing the invalid prompt (and you’ll still get prompted when the next update gets released).

Sorry for the hassle on this one.

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Hello Mike,

Thank you for your fast reply. Everything is ok, I`m glad that you offer us the WSEE Installer. But the reminding notice feels like the movie Groundhog day ;- )

I selected “Do not show this message again” and wait till your fix comes out.

Greetings from Germany.

  • Mike
    LOL, I’m sure it does. :- )
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