Server Essentials setup without domain controller


I am very inexperienced with Windows Server and Essentials.

I am running Server 2022 on my vintage HP Mediasmart Server EX470.  I do not want to setup a domain controller as my setup is just going to be for personal use.  My server is going to be used as a place to store my music and a backup device for my workstation.

I found Paul Braren’s video on setting up the client connector without joining a domain.  So, I am wondering if it is possible to set up my server without making it a domain controller.

My apology if the terminology I use isn’t quite right.  Thank you.


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Good Answer

Unlike Windows Home Server, Windows Server Essentials must be a domain controller I’m afraid. The only exception to this is if you happen to have another server in your network that is already running as a primary domain controller, and in that case, you can join your Essentials server to that existing domain controller as a member server instead.

Personally, when your client computers are connected up to your Essentials server, without being joined to the domain, then you don’t really notice the fact that the Essentials server is a domain controller IMHO (since it behaves just like WHS did for the most part).

  • Brian
    Thank you so much for the prompt reply, Mike.
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