Remoteapp alway freeze when minimuzed.


Greetings everyone.

We are using an application with RemoteApp on a Server 2016 Essencial.

When a remoteapp windows (Acomba software) is in full screen mode, if we minimizedĀ it, when we will maximuxe it back he will got freeze.

I can click on the top bar for resize windows and it’s immediatly unfreeze it and resize it.

I also got outlook 2013 in remoteapp but this one did’t enconter the issue.

I tryed to disable Use advanced RemoteFX graphics for RemoteApp but no success, problem still(or maybe I did it wrong. I tryed registry and computer configuration)

Maybe a workarround will be to block fullscreen for remoteapp and put a size just a little smaller then full screen…

I also seen that some menu will work even when freezed but I will need to click under the menu button of the program for make it appear.

Thank you all for any help you could provide me.


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Good Answer

Alas, those are both bugs in Windows 10 and have nothing at all to do with WSE RemoteApp I’m afraid. Microsoft really buggered up the latest Windows 10 1803 release (especially when it comes to making RemoteApp connections from it). Hopefully the problems you’re seeing will get resolved when the upcomming KB4284848 Windows Update becomes available in the last week of June. For more info on that see:

Remote apps slow after client’s upgrade to Windows 10 1803

Also, if your Windows 10 client is still running the older 1709 release, then make sure that it has KB4103714 installed on it seeing as that Windows Update addresses similar RemoteApp connection issues in that older release of Windows 10.

  • XGuarden
    I solved the issue. Disable totally UAC in registry and disable Use advanced RemoteFX graphics for RemoteApp in gpo then restart server.
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