RADC Access not working


The RADC Web Feed doesn’t seems to work in my environment and I cannot find out why.

When I enter the URL in my iPad App (MS RemoteDesktop App) I can see a header “WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2” but no published apps.

below the header I see the message “Bitte aktualisieren, Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut” (Please refresh, Please try again).

I’m login as administrator and can see the apps when I use a web browser.

Any idea what can be wrong?

Best regards

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Good Answer

What version of WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 are you currently using (as of this writing, the current release is Version 1.255.1521.0)?

In the newer releases of WHS / WSE RemoteApp, the RADC web feed feature has been completely reworked. As a result, the RADC web feed will no longer work if you had it previously configured in any RADC clients (such as the native Windows “RemoteApp and Desktop Connections” applet that’s located in the Control Panel, or any of the Microsoft Remote Desktop client apps for Android, iOS, Mac, etc.). To correct that, you will need to do the following:

1. Open the server Dashboard and go to the “WSE REMOTEAPP” page.

2. Click on the “Enable RADC Web Feed” task.

3. Click on the “Enable RADC” option and follow the prompts.

NOTE: The connection (feed) URL has changed in the newer releases of WHS / WSE RemoteApp, and so you will need to remove the feed from all of your existing RADC clients and add it back again using the newer URL (which no longer uses “wsera_RDWeb” or “whsra_RDWeb” within the URL, and no longer requires “?Platform=RDC” or “?Platform=MRD” to be tacked on to the end of the URL).

To view the correct connection (feed) URL for your Essentials server, do the following:

1. Open the server Dashboard and go to the “WSE REMOTEAPP” page.

2. Click on the “Enable RADC Web Feed” task.

3. Click on the “RADC connection URL” option.

Other than that, if you’re sure that you’re using the latest version of WHS / WSE RemoteApp, and you’re sure that you’re using the proper URL for your Essentials server, then:

–  Have you tried setting up a completely different RADC Connection client (other than the Microsoft Remote Desktop client app for iOS) just to see if the RADC web feed works for you in one of the other RADC clients (such as the native Windows “RemoteApp and Desktop Connections” applet located in the Control Panel, or maybe the Microsoft Remote Desktop client app for Mac, Android, or Windows 10)?

– Have you tried entering just “https://remote.YourDomain.com” as the connection (feed) URL (instead of using the full “https://remote.YourDomain.com/RDWeb/Feed/webfeed.aspx“) just to see what happens? I’ve noticed that the newer Microsoft Remote Desktop client apps are now automatically tacking the trailing “/RDWeb/Feed/webfeed.aspx” portion onto the URL for you; which BTW, was one of the reasons the RADC web feed feature was reworked in the newer releases of WHS / WSE RemoteApp).

–  Lastly, please try entering the connection (feed) URL as “https://remote.YourDomain/RDWeb/Pages/webfeed.aspx” instead (note the use of “Pages” instead of “Feed” within the URL). I’ve noticed some strange behavior in the Microsoft Remote Desktop client app for Windows 10 where it couldn’t find the feed until I used “Pages” in the URL. Strangely enough, it then properly found the feed and configured it using “Feed” in the URL instead of the “Pages” value that I actually entered/typed (which is really weird!).

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By chance are any of the client machines where you are seeing this issue still running Windows 7? If so, then you’ll need to make sure that KB2857650, KB2830477, and KB2574819 are all installed on them otherwise the RADC web feed will NOT work from them.

I’d also make sure that the Essentials server itself has all of the latest Windows Updates installed on it, and that you are running the latest version of WSE RemoteApp 2012 R2 (which is Version 1.255.1550 as of this writing).

Other than that, I’m afraid that I’m stumped seeing as I can’t reproduce the problem here on any of our in-house test servers (or clients).

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We are having the same issue with WSE 2012 R2

one user to our knowledge has the apps available via the RADC feed, the others with exactly the same setup on the server (same apps published etc) have nothing?

I am trying to find a source of information as to how we find what is in the RADC feed, as I suspect this is an MS issue and not the remote app program as such.

Any ideas or link to MS documents on how it works on Srv 2012 R2 would be greatly appreciated!!

  • Michael Robinson answered 7 years ago
  • last edited 7 years ago
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Glad to hear that you got it working. WSE RemoteApp is designed to work with Standard user accounts (although it will work with Administrator accounts if you really want/need it to, but I certainly don’t recommend doing that unless you have some specific app that absolutely must be run as an administrator). Additionally, the published RemoteApp programs that appear within the WSE RemoteApp Launcher window are specific to the user that is currently signed in. If the signed in user has no RemoteApp programs that have been published for them, then the window will indeed be blank/empty (although, in such a case, they should see a notification telling them to contact their network administrator to have him/her publish some apps for them).



So you tried my above suggestions and none of them worked for you? You say that you “still don’t see icons”. Does that mean that you are able to add the feed to the Microsoft Remote Desktop client app, but that no published RemoteApp programs show up within the app when the feed is added? Or, does the Microsoft Remote Desktop client app simply give you an error stating that it cannot find the feed (i.e. is it a discoverability issue)?

I believe that I sent you a separate email message on this one asking some additional details about your set up (i.e. what edition and version of the client you are using, etc.). I’ll need answers to those questions so that I can look into this further for you (i.e. so that I can try to replicate what you’re using and doing in order to reproduce the issue here).

Also, have you made changes to any of the settings that are listed on the “Security” tab of the “Remote Desktop Session Settings” task that’s available on the “WSE REMOTEAPP” page of the server Dashboard (as some of those settings will affect some RADC client’s ability to be able to connect to the RADC web feed (although they typically will not affect the feed’s discoverability).

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Thank you for your answer.

Now it works. I have found out, that there are no apps visible when I connect as administrator. Now I have switched to a “normal” user and can see the apps.

Great work mike.

Thank you very much.

best regards

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This still did not help. Still dont see icons…

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