OK to install WSEE on a VM as a test then deploy?


I’m thinking of getting 10 Work Folders license for a new 2019 client install, then using your installer for WSEE. I’d like to test on a VM as a run-through before installing for real. Is that OK to do (ie, not trying to install twice, just want to test first).

  • SoriceConsulting asked 5 years ago
  • last edited 3 years ago
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Best Answer

Yes, that’s perfectly acceptable. However, the Registration Key that you receive for the WSEE Installer (which is associated with the User Name from the license of one of our software products) will lock itself to the hardware that it is initially installed on (just like Microsoft’s Product Key locks itself to the hardware that Windows Server is initially installed on). Therefore, you’ll simply need to contact us when you’re ready to move over to the production environment so that we can reset the Registration Key for you so that you can then proceed with the final install.

EDIT: As for the WSE WorkFolders 2016 license… When you install it on the new (production) server, it will inform you that it is already being used on another server (i.e. the test server), and it will ask you if you want to move your license over to the new server instead. You can simply answer Yes to that question, and you’ll be good to go.

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