Home>Health Monitoring(Domain controllers requiring restart)


Since installation of WSEE, I have always had a critical alert stating –

Title – Domain controllers requiring restart

Details – To enable password synchronization between Active Directory and Microsoft Azure Active Directory, you must restart the following domain controllers:
{Server name that WSEE is installed on}

Resolution – Restart all listed domain controllers.

This is the only domain controller in the network and thus the only domain controller listed in the error.  I have checked all registry keys that would cause a reboot being needed (How to Check for a Pending Reboot in the Registry).  None of the keys are present.

I have noticed that if I change a password in WSEE, then the password is written to O365 and the local machines ADUC account.  If I change the password in ADUC, then it never syncs to O365.

Has anybody else experienced this behavior?

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I have upgraded several revisions and this error still is present.  No thoughts from the developers?

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I’m afraid that I’ve never seen/come across this issue before and so I’m not exactly sure what’s going on there. That being said… I don’t use any of the Microsoft Azure or online services features in Windows Server Essentials and so I’m not really able to investigate the issue for you. AFAIK, everything is in place for those features to work properly when installing WSEE onto Windows server 2019/2022 via the WSEE Installer (and to the best of my recollection all of those features were working properly during my initial testing when I first put all of this stuff together years ago). Odds are that you’d be seeing that exact same behavior going on over in Windows Server 2016 (Essentials or Standard/Datacenter with the WSEE server role added), and that it’s more than likely an issue taking place over on Microsoft’s end. I don’t know for sure though. Sorry that I don’t have a better answer for you on this one.

  • Mike
    BTW, it’s also quite possible that the health alert that you’re seeing is just a false positive (related to installing the WSEE bits on 2019/2022). If you’re not seeing any real problems/issues happening with your Azure AD, then I assume that you can probably just safely ignore the health alert.
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Also, a quick Internet search brings up these (if you haven’t already seen them):

Domain Controllers requiring restart

Server 2012 R2 with Essentials Experience Role

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