An error ocurred while validating your license!


I want add 2 new user and allow access to WSE RemoteApp

and get this error.

What can I do?

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I haven’t come across that particular error before, but changes have been made in this area in the latest releases of the add-in (and so installing the latest release may resolve the issue for you). For the most part, older versions of our add-ins will continue to run for a long time (many years), but on rare occasions, backend security changes made by us (or Microsoft, etc.) can cause an older version of an add-in to stop running. In such cases, you will need to install the latest version in order to continue using the software. For more information, please see the “Updates and Support” section of our Policy page.

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Installing the latest version of the program (which is currently Version 1.255.1293.0/1.1255.1294.0) should resolve that issue for you.

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I hope i understand it right.

The Problem is, that the program Version is to old?

So i have to pay again, that i can use it?

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